Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Alphabet. What the heck?

Well, to your surprise, and mine, I have decided to publish my second blog post, and to no surprise, it's about something simple minded and pointless, the alphabet.

Sitting at my cubical at work today I began my daily routine of looking up numbers in the business directory and then calling them up. As I looked through my trusty directory the letter 'K' jumped out at me like never before. "K?" I questioned, "Isn’t 'K' supposed to be near the end of the alphabet?" Upon realizing my stupidity, it dawned upon me that despite their similarity in appearance ‘K’ is not near the end of the alphabet, rather the letter 'X'. Feeling rather sheepish of my delusional mishap, and somewhat angered that our alphabet made me feel more incompetent than my 4 year old nephew, I began to wonder "Why is the alphabet arranged the way it is, and who decided the order thereof anyways?” Was it the Greeks? Was it King James? Does it even matter? To those I answer "No, no and yes it matters".

Why must the alphabet begin with 'ABC'? I'd highly doubt it was to make for a catchy Michael Jackson song. Why not 'GJN' or "XBL"? Heck the very keyboard that I type this pointless post is arranged "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM" left to right, top row to bottom row, so why not that? Is it really that important that we have an organized form of our alphabet? Sure it makes for a catchy little jingle, but even then there is debate on how that jingle ends. Does it finish ending in "ZEE" like our neighbours to the south so pompously debate that it should? Or is "ZED" like the rest of the English speaking world pronounces it? Frankly this topic alone is worthy of its own blog post.

I propose that we who are human beings, men and women, male and female, abolish this nonsense of an arranged alphabet. I mean, do we as adults really need that catchy little jingle to help us remember our 'ABC’s? I think not.